The Meaning of Orient's Logo


"We want to be a company the nearest to the customer. The left lion in our company's facing-lions symbol mark represents our company, and the right lion represents our dealers and partners. The crown in the center represents our customers. This symbol was born from the idea of providing quality products for the benefit of our valued customers, while building a strong partnership by combining the efforts of the manufacturers, shops, and the partner companies that produce the watches. Our management policy also shares this same approach.

From product development through our various services, we want to become a company that thinks primarily about the customer. From the executives to the front-line employees, as long as we approach our work with a focus on customers, we will always make the right judgment. Also, we want to respond to customer expectations through a win-win relationship, while gaining the cooperation of those around us, not just within the company. We hope to be the manufacturer that customers feel closest to. Because none of our competitors use a symbol mark with this type of motif, I personally think it is extremely stylish"
-Jun Watanabe, m
essage by the president of Orient Watch Co., Ltd.

More of the president's message can be found here: Orient Watch Co. Ltd.